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TXT project

TXT project

Stain Removal Collection

by Mila Lanfermeijer

I sent 30 people a package. The package contained two
pieces of stained textile and a letter requesting them to try
and remove the stains for me. I received some beautiful
descriptions of their stain removal processes. A lot of them
managed to remove the stain completely while some came
up with different solutions.


The Repairing-project of Platform21 revolves around the possibilities, qualities and values of repairing. For this project I am researching the process of removing stains. For many a stain is reason enough to stop wearing or even to throw away a garment. Therefore, in this context, the washing or cleaning of clothing could be seen as repairing. Everyone has his own way of doing laundry or removing stains. Often tips and tricks are past on from generation to generation. I am interested in these ways of dealing with stains. To research this subject I need your help.
With this note you find two stained pieces of textile.

1. Try to remove the stains.
2. Describe the steps you take in this cleaning process (handwritten).
3. Describe how you came to this way of cleaning. Who taught you these stain removing techniques? Have you changed anything?
4. Please state your name and age.